It’s a well known fact that porn and the demand thereof have driven the most prominent developments in computer technology. Who knows if search engines may have been developed as a means to search for explicit content? And even though that is, in fact, completely untrue, just think of how much search engines have influenced the demand for porn online!
What about webcams? Isn’t the most logical explanation for their existence that they serve as a mediator between two people wanting to get intimate online? Were they too invented to serve the ever rapacious porn industry, that was waiting impatiently to step up from chatting on forums and watching porn videos just like on the telly?
The boring truth behind the matter is that they were first invented by a team of Computer Scientists at Cambridge University back in 1991, and served to watch over a coffee pot. That’s just as boring as it sounds. But what webcams are doing for the porn industry these days is far from boring!
Cybersex has been around for what seems like an eternity. It’s not even a term that’s commonly used anymore. What started out as exchanging messages and required things like a strong vocabulary, good grammar and the use of your imagination, has now become the exchange of multiple types of media in the blink of an eye. Cybersex in it’s classical form was a way to indulge in a steamy chat with a complete stranger. This has long since evolved into a series of more up-to-date alternatives that all offer a lot more for a lot less effort.
The younger generation is ‘sexting’, not texting, for example. Why write long sentences explaining how you’re feeling, what you’re doing and what mood you’re in? You can have kinky chats where you just send a long list of abbreviations, and include emojis with hidden meanings to get aroused these days.
With the rise of popularity in social networks, pornography too has received a makeover. It’s not enough to view pre-recorded sex videos all day long. People want to get more personal, or “see more” from real life Adult Content Creators. They want to see pictures, real life content, and even chat to those that turn them on. So this has given rise to many new platforms, all offering to bridge the gap between the demand and the supply of real life adult content.